
Yongbohyeop is a non-profit group dedicated to preventing euthanasia in our communities and made up of volunteer citizens.

When stray dogs aren't adopted within the specified time (usually ten days as per local laws), authorities may resort to euthanasia, known as "comfort euthanasia." This means many strays in shelters only have a short window, sometimes as brief as 10 days to a month, to find a home.

To stop this, Yongbohyeop works closely with local authorities to rescue these dogs and find them new homes.

Getting one dog ready for adoption involves costs like vaccinations, treatments, and neutering, along with running the shelter. These expenses are covered by donations, while transportation and other associated costs are managed by volunteers.

Yongbohyeop runs solely on donations from its volunteer members, often resulting in budget shortfalls. Stray dog numbers keep growing each year, and many suffer from heartworm infections due to living on the streets, leading to hefty medical bills.

The number of dogs we can save depends on donations and how many adoptions we can arrange. While we have dedicated members, limited volunteers and increasing deficits make it hard to do more active adoption work.

Your continued support for YAPA is vital.


If only worries about the medical and foster care costs for stray dogs could disappear,
It feels like we could rescue all of these stray dogs...
If the organization achieves financial stability to train additional volunteers,
and if the conditions are met to actively nurture the stray dogs, then the shelter will be brimming with empty cages.

That's the scene we always dream of.
Please join us with Yongbohyeop to ensure that the flame of fragile lives doesn't extinguish inside those enclosures.