Gregory appears to be a young pointer with perhaps some chocolate lab in him, and he is truly the goodest boy in all the land! We don’t know much about his history, but he definitely seems like he is accustomed to living happily with people! He loves to play with toys, knows all of the basic commands - paw, sit, lay down, wait, etc - and he was also already neutered when he came to the shelter. Gregory was admitted to the shelter back in November 2023 and we cannot believe that he has not been claimed by an owner. This perfect gentleman loves the pets and cuddles, and he is so patient and polite when we have treats for him! Gregory also loves to be with other dogs, and he gets along well with his male roommate, Oso.
Overall, Gregory is a gem of a dog and we know that he and his future forever family will have such a happy life together. He is more than ready to be in a home! If you are interested in adding handsome cheerful Gregory as the newest furry member of your family, send us an adoption appication and we will get you started with the adoption process!
Verhalten mit Katzen und Kindern
Unsere Hunde werden von Fleischfarmen gerettet oder von der Straße aufgenommen und in unser Tierheim gebracht. Daher haben wir keine Informationen darüber, wie sie sich gegenüber Katzen oder Kindern verhalten.
Kosten der Adoption
YAPA erzielt durch die Adoption der Hunde keinen Gewinn. Die Anwender müssen jedoch die Transport- und Dokumentationsgebühr für den Staat übernehmen.
Impfungen und Kastrationen
Alle unsere Hunde werden vor der Adoption von einem zugelassenen Tierarzt kastriert und geimpft. Die Kosten für diese Eingriffe werden durch unsere Spenden abgedeckt.